Let’s make all votes count in DC!

We can change the game and make politicians work for everyone.

We’re a group of neighbors starting the process of letting DC residents vote on whether to make all votes count in DC. This initiative, if we get on the ballot and neighbors vote to approve it, would implement ranked choice voting and end voter disenfranchisement for nearly 71,000 independent voters in DC.

Learn more about ranked choice voting and opening the primaries to independent voters.

We need your help!








Our goal: 30,000 signatures by July 8

We’re aiming to collect 30,000 signatures of DC voters by the end of June to get Initiative 83 on the November 2024 ballot.

How you can help

Sign the petition

You can find campaign staff and volunteers at grocery stores, metro stops, farmers markets, and festivals all spring. Please reach out to SignThePetition@makeallvotescountdc.org, call the campaign office at 202-733-4640, or check out our social media accounts to connect with us.

Collect signatures

If you want to help collect signatures, sign up for an upcoming petition circulator training.


Your donation will go towards hiring paid circulators to help us reach our goal before the deadline.

Want to get involved in our movement to make all votes count and build community power in DC? 





Do Washingtonians support Ballot Initiative #83?

Here’s what the polling says:


Support ranked choice voting


Strongly support ranked choice voting


Support semi-open primaries


Strongly support semi-open primaries

Why ranked choice voting?

Watch this video from FairVote to learn how ranked choice voting works and why it’s so important to implement it here in D.C.

Learn more about ranked choice voting.

Why open up DC’s primary elections to independent voters?

Watch this video from Fox 5 to hear Lisa D. T. Rice, proposer of Ballot Initiative #83, explain why opening the primaries to independents like herself means so much.

Learn more about opening the primaries to independents.

Latest from the campaign